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  • thewaxboxsheffield

With every wax comes great responsibility!

You didn't think you could leave the salon and not think about it until your next appointment did you!? If you look after your wax, your wax will look after you! Whether you're a first timer or full timer, here is our guide to waxing aftercare you should follow after EVERY wax!

1. Wear loose clothing. Aside from the fact tight clothing can be uncomfortable to wriggle back into after a wax, tight clothing causes friction on the skin which can irritate the skin post wax. Prolonged periods of wearing tight clothing can also cause ingrown hairs.

2. Avoid exercise. Love it or hate it, most of us take part in some form of exercise so whether you like intense activity or calm and relaxing yoga, we advise you give it a miss for 24 hours after your wax. This goes for those post exercise saunas and steam rooms too!

3. Bath time. At least not for 24 hours. Bath bombs or not, baths (and hot showers) are off limits for 24 hours after your wax, your skin is likely to be irritated by the hot water and your pores are open leaving you vulnerable to bacteria and ingrowns. If you do need to wash, run a luke warm shower and avoid shower gels and soaps with chemicals.

4. Keep cool. After your wax your skin will become extra sensitive to UV rays, now we always recommend wearing high factor sun screen but keep your skin in the shade for the next 24 hours this includes sun beds too! So what about fake tan! Absolutely not! Unfortunately life isn’t always fair and tanning straight after a wax is a no go!

5. Lotions and potions. All those highly perfumed moisturisers and body washes you got bought for christmas…put them down for now! Soothe your skin with natural lotions, look for those containing aloe vera, witch hazel, tee tree oil or dead sea salts. As nice as they are to smell, any moisturisers with chemicals and perfumes are only likely to irritate the skin.

So you've reached 48 hours after your wax, by this time even the most sensitive skin should have settled. To make sure you get the best results from your waxing follow these simple steps:

1. Ditch the razor. If theres one in sight the temptation might get the better of you. Be patient and hold out until your next wax, shaving will only cut the hair at the surface of the skin and disrupt your waxing routine.

2. Exfoliate. Every couple of days use an exfoliator to gentle remove dead skin cells. Find the balance, too gentle and you may not exfoliate thorough but too rough and you may scratch your skin causing ingrown hairs rather than preventing.

3. Moisturise. Who doesn’t love soft and smooth skin. Dry skin can prevent hairs breaking through the surface and cause ingrown hairs, it can make your skin irritable and itchy and doesn't feel all that great. Find a moisturising lotion with tee tree oil, witch hazel, dead sea salt or aloe vera for the ultimate silky smooth skin.

4. Stop picking! We might not admit it but most of us love to pick and as satisfying as it can be it can cause more ingrown hairs, damage the skin and can leave scars. If you do have ingrown hairs ask your therapist for ways to bring hairs to the surface, if they are painful or look infected go to your GP, they may be able to remove it with minimal damage and can prescribe medication for infections.

Follow these simple guidelines to get the most out of your wax giving you longer lasting silky smooth skin.

The Wax Box

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