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All You Need To Know Before Getting Your First Wax!

You've had it with shaving and all the itching and maintenance that comes with it! Finally, you've decided to take the plunge and get a wax…but where do you go? What do you get? What do you wear?…All those unanswered questions can be quite overwhelming so here’s our guide to prep you for your first wax.

1. DO YOUR RESEARCH! You wouldn't let your dog groomer trim your hair so why let your lash lady down there! Waxing doesn't have to be as scary as some may say but it sure can be if you go to the wrong place. Do your research, ask for recommendations and look at reviews. Find someone comfortable with waxing you (there are therapists who look as enthusiastic about doing your wax as you are getting it).

2. STEP AWAY FROM THE RAZOR! In fact put it straight in the bin! Leave your hair 2 - 3 weeks after you shaved before getting your wax. Some hair will grow quicker or may take longer but as a rough guide the hair should be at least the size of a grain of rice in order for the wax to stick to it. To get the most out of your wax DO NOT shave or use any other form of hair removal between waxes.

3. EXFOLIATE! Gentle exfoliation the week of your waxing appointment will get rid of the dead skin cells and help the wax stick to your hair and not your skin and can also reduce the risk of ingrown hairs.

4. AVOID SUN BURN! Sunbathing and sun beds are a no go for at least 24 hours before your appointment! If you do have sunburn you will not be able to get waxed! UV damage makes the skin very sensitive so putting something hot and sticky on top of that, well…

5. SHOWER! Ok, obvious hygiene purposes aside, showering a couple of hours before in warm water will open up your pores which can reduce your sensitivity to the wax. For those of you who have come from work or from the gym, showering is good to clear your skin of bacteria which could get inside your pores and cause spotting, however your therapist will wipe down your skin before waxing to clear it of oils and dirt.

6. DO NOT USE ANY LOTIONS OR POTIONS! Moisturisers and oil will leave your skin..well moisturised…if they skin is oily the wax will not stick to the hair! You can moisturise 24 hours before the appointment but within the next 24 hours, put down the lotions and potions!

7. ARRIVE IN PLENTY OF TIME! Your appointment is booked in with a given length of time. Your therapist has a schedule to stick to so please make sure you are on time so you can get your full treatment done!

8. SIT BACK AND RELAX AND REMEMBER TO BREATH! Waxing horror stories are so 90’s! Times have changed, products have improved and therapists are more skilled. Holding your breath will cause you more discomfort so remember…BREATHE IN, BREATHE OUT!

Now you have everything you need to prep you for your first wax, book your appointment in and let The Wax Box take care of the hair!


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